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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

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Juvenile Drug Possession Defense Lawyer Atlantic City & Cape May Attorney

Defending Common Drug Charges that Juveniles Face

Being charged with a crime is something no parent wants to see their child go through. But, once it has happened, the smartest response is to begin taking action to defend your child from overzealous prosecution and the possibility of unnecessarily harsh consequences.

Possession of fewer than 50 grams of marijuana is one of the most common drug charges that juveniles face. This charge can result in up to six months of detention and/or a six-month driver’s license suspension.

Drug possession charges involving the operating of a motor vehicle will result in additional, more serious charges as will possession of greater amounts of marijuana than 50 grams or possession of drugs such as:

  • Cocaine
  • Oxycodone/Oxycontin
  • Percocet
  • Vicodin
  • Heroin
  • Ecstasy

Juvenile Drug Possession Will Impact A Young Person’s Life

I am criminal defense attorney John W. Tumelty. I know the impact that juvenile charges can have on a young person’s life. They deserve as full a defense of their rights as an adult in a similar situation. I use my 30 years of experience as a prosecutor and as a criminal defense lawyer to help my clients secure the best possible resolution to their situation.

Contact Atlantic City Juvenile Drug Possession Defense Attorney

When your young person is facing juvenile drug possession charges, you need to ensure that their rights and their future receive the full protection they deserve. My decades of experience and the knowledge I have acquired both as a prosecutor and as a criminal defense attorney allows me to provide my clients with an exceptional defense for drug charges in Atlantic County, Cape May County or anywhere else in Southern New Jersey. To schedule a free initial consultation call 609-390-4600.

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