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Former prosecutor

Now fighting for you.

New Jersey Criminal Defense and DUI attorney
who knows how to navigate the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

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Experienced for over 30 years

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Megan’s Law Cases – Atlantic & Cape May County Sex Crimes Attorney

Almost every sex crime in New Jersey carries a mandatory Megan’s Law sentence. Megan’s Law requires community registration and parole supervision for life if convicted. A Megan’s Law violation charge may result in a parole violation as well as new charges. I am Attorney John W. Tumelty and I have practiced criminal law for 30 years. I am a New Jersey Supreme Court Certified Criminal Trial Attorney. I am a former N.J. Deputy Attorney General (state prosecutor) and former Atlantic County Assistant Prosecutor. I only handle criminal defense which includes sex crime cases.

Let a Former Prosecutor Help You

Megan’s Law requires registration for a minimum of 15 years with local law enforcement. A failure to comply with the initial registration is a separate crime. Most persons must re-register annually. Repetitive and compulsive offenders must re-register every 90 days. Re-registration is required 10 days prior to changing an address. Failure to re-register is a separate crime.

Megan’s Law notification applies to a moderate or high-risk offender. A moderate or high-risk offender is subject to sex offender notification to schools and community groups caring for women and children in the area in which the offender lives and works.

Community and parole supervision for life lasts a minimum of 15 years following incarceration and imposing over 20 conditions on a sex offender including: where the person lives and works; the type of treatment he receives; authorizes a search of the persons home, computer and car without a warrant; limits the ability to move from the state and authorizes an imposition of a curfew and polygraph testing. It also authorizes the electronic monitoring of the sex offender 24 hours a day.

These potential Megan’s Law consequences are very serious. You need an experienced and tough criminal defense lawyer to represent you with respect to any Megan’s Law issues.

Contact the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty

I am available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Contact my office today at 609-390-4600  for a free initial consultation.

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