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Former prosecutor

Now fighting for you.

New Jersey Criminal Defense and DUI attorney
who knows how to navigate the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

Certified Criminal Trial Attorney

Experienced for over 30 years

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Defending Forgery, Fake ID & Identity Theft Charges in Atlantic & Cape May County

If you have been accused of forgery, using a fake ID or any other identity theft offense, you could be facing some very serious criminal penalties. In addition, a criminal record for any financial crime can follow you for the rest of your life, restricting your employment options. I am John W. Tumelty, an experienced Atlantic City forgery defense lawyer representing clients throughout South Jersey. If you have been charged with a crime, don’t hesitate to contact me at 609-390-4600 to schedule a free consultation. I have offices in Cape May County and Atlantic County.

Defending Clients Accused of Identity Theft and Fraud

Any time you are accused of impersonating someone else — a real person or a fictitious identity — for the purpose of theft or any other crime, you can be charged with fraud. The following are some common instances of forgery, fake ID and identity theft crimes:

  • Signing someone else’s name to a check
  • Using someone else’s credit card
  • Using false documents to obtain a driver’s license
  • Using a fake ID card to get into a bar or buy liquor

If you have been arrested for any type of identity fraud, you could be facing serious penalties, including jail time, probation, fines and driver’s license suspension. If you are convicted of a felony or misdemeanor crime, you will also have a criminal record, potentially for life.

I have more than 30 years of New Jersey criminal law experience and am a New Jersey Supreme Court certified criminal trial attorney.  Call me today at 609-390-4600 to discuss what I can do to aggressively defend you against your serious charges.

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