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Mr. Tumelty represented Helena Hendricks, who was charged with first degree murder in Atlantic County Superior Court. The defendant faced a number of additional charges, including armed robbery, conspiracy and possession of a handgun for an unlawful purpose. At the conclusion of a jury trial that lasted three weeks, the defendant was found "not guilty" of all charges.

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Category: DWI

Why Should I Fight a DUI or DWI Charge?

If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence (DUI) or “drunk driving” in New Jersey, you may be tempted to plead guilty. You may believe that the police have an “open and shut” case against you, especially if you took a breath test that resulted in blood alcohol concentration (BAC) numbers clearly above the […]

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5 Reasons Not To Drink And Drive In New Jersey

Getting a DWI isn’t a criminal offense in New Jersey. That being said, don’t drink and drive. It’s still a bad decision that can have awful consequences. The most obvious one, you could die or end up killing someone else. Even if you don’t cause any physical harm to yourself or others, there are still […]

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New Jersey Underage Drinking Carries Serious Consequences

It’s a fact of life that most teenagers, even responsible kids from good families, will make a few bad decisions. It’s part of growing up! Despite how well behaved they are, many will use alcohol. A survey showed that over 27% of New Jersey youth between the ages of 12 and 20 admitted to drinking […]

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Learn More About Underage DWI Charges

New Jersey has a zero-tolerance policy for underage drunk driving. If your child is still a minor, then they cannot legally purchase, possess, or consume alcohol. Moreover, they cannot get behind the wheel of a car after consuming alcohol. This means that just one beer could lead to charges for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), with […]

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Cape May County will Participate in Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign

The New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety has announced grants of nearly one million dollars to assist law enforcement agencies throughout New Jersey with the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” 2015 Campaign.  More than 400 agencies are expected to participate and include, Lower Township, Middle Township, Wildwood and North Wildwood Police Departments in […]

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