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Mr. Tumelty represented Helena Hendricks, who was charged with first degree murder in Atlantic County Superior Court. The defendant faced a number of additional charges, including armed robbery, conspiracy and possession of a handgun for an unlawful purpose. At the conclusion of a jury trial that lasted three weeks, the defendant was found "not guilty" of all charges.

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What to Do If a Loved One is Ever Arrested

Few situations are as painful as seeing a loved one arrested. It can be shocking, hurtful, and even traumatizing to the family. Often, family members on the outside will want to help but are not sure how they can. But there are a variety of ways family can help. Below are some tips on what to do if a loved one is ever arrested:

·      Seek the Facts

The first thing family should do when a loved one is arrested is seek out all the facts pertaining to the arrest. Information like where the loved one is being held / detained, what the charges are, and when they were arrested, as well as the name of the officers involved in the arrest, can all be of great use.

·      Remind Them to Keep Silent

Being arrested can be very stressful for the detained party. They may feel the need to speak to their own defense. While this is a perfectly natural reaction, it is best to inform the loved one that they should not speak about anything until a lawyer is secured and present.

·      Keep Track of Anything That Follows

Events happen quickly after a person is arrested. Any movement that is made involving a loved one, such as set dates, moved facilities, and other information should all be noted. Keeping this information carefully and concisely can help make a smoother case for a defense attorney to work.

·      Seek Out a Defense Attorney

Being on the outside, as the family, gives an arrested loved one a major advantage. Rather than rolling the dice, the family can select a qualified, experienced defense attorney who could help. Time is of the essence in any situation.

If your loved one has been arrested and needs a defense attorney, don’t wait. Contact the law office of John W. Tumelty today. A former prosecutor, Mr. Tumelty is now a criminal defense attorney with a unique advantage having knowledge of how both sides, prosecution and defense, works. Contact online to schedule a case consultation or call 609-390-4600 today.

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