Cell Phone-Sniffing Dogs Cut Down on Crime
Once behind bars, most people would hope that criminal activity would cease, however that isn’t always the case. The State of New Jersey’s Commission of Investigation recently published a report showcasing the loopholes that gang-affiliated inmates exploit to continue illegal activity while in prison. Technology has made this possible, as one of the ways they […]
Criminal Indictment
You may have seen the word “indictment” a time or two before. You might have seen it as part of a front-page newspaper headline or on the local news, but do you actually know what an indictment is or what it means? Indictments Used for Federal Crimes An indictment is basically a formal accusation of […]
Cyber Avenging: Act of a Hero or Vigilante?
The invention of the internet has brought about a much more accessible and convenient day-to-day for most people. If you are looking to contact someone you could find them online and send a message over Facebook or an email. Looking for the answer to a history question? You can use one of the many online […]
Drunk Droning in New Jersey
If you have not heard about drones then you are potentially missing out on one of today’s most popular technologies. Simply put, a drone is a pilotless aircraft or missile. Originally known for its use within the military, drones today are now built and used by the public. There are drones designed to be toys […]
Can You Get Bail While Awaiting Appeal?
Bail is basically a temporary release of someone awaiting their trial and usually comes with the condition that a sum of money be submitted in order to ensure the person’s appearance in court. Bail is more or less considered a general right for those accused of a crime. If you are able to post bail, […]