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Mr. Tumelty represented Helena Hendricks, who was charged with first degree murder in Atlantic County Superior Court. The defendant faced a number of additional charges, including armed robbery, conspiracy and possession of a handgun for an unlawful purpose. At the conclusion of a jury trial that lasted three weeks, the defendant was found "not guilty" of all charges.

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Police Investigate Doctors Who May Have Given Prescription Painkillers to Prince before He Died

Authorities are still looking into the tragic death of Prince earlier this year as they try to determine whether criminal charges should be filed against the famous musician’s doctors. The musical superstar died as his home in Paisley Park, Minnesota on April 21. According to officials and medical examiners who conducted an autopsy, Prince’s death was directly caused by a Fentanyl overdose.

Fentanyl is a powerful painkiller that can have devastating effects on a person’s body and health when it is not used in accordance with a doctor’s instructions and guidance. The problem in the case of Prince’s use of Fentanyl, some observers speculate, is that his primary physician may not have been providing proper oversight as the singer-songwriter used the prescription opioid that ultimately caused his death.

It was recently revealed that Dr. Michael Schulenberg, Prince’s primary physician at the time of his death, is being investigated for possibly writing invalid prescriptions for the singer. Authorities are also looking into Dr. Howard Kornfeld, an addiction specialist who may have helped Prince to illegally acquire prescription medication and painkillers without valid prescriptions in the days leading up to his drug overdose death.

It is believed that Dr. Schulenberg visited Prince at the singer’s Minnesota home on April 7 and April 20, shortly before Prince overdosed on Fentanyl and died. It is also believed that Prince’s assistants may have reached out to Dr. Kornfeld on the day of the musician’s tragic death. In fact, it was Kornfeld who reportedly dialed 911 to report that Prince was unconscious at his Paisley Park estate. When law enforcement and emergency medical responders arrived at the scene, they allegedly found Kornfeld carrying buprenorphine, a powerful medication that is often used to treat prescription painkiller addiction.

If either doctor is found to have facilitated prescription fraud, they could face serious criminal charges in connection with the high-profile drug overdose death.

For additional information, check out the International Business Times article, “Prince’s Doctors Investigated over Prescription Drugs That led to Purple Rain Hitmaker’s Overdose.”


If you or a loved one has been arrested and charged with a drug crime like illegal prescription drug possession or prescription fraud, you should talk to a qualified criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. The experienced South Jersey criminal defense lawyers at the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty are ready to help you fight your drug offense charges and avoid the most severe penalties. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation about your case.

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