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Mr. Tumelty represented Helena Hendricks, who was charged with first degree murder in Atlantic County Superior Court. The defendant faced a number of additional charges, including armed robbery, conspiracy and possession of a handgun for an unlawful purpose. At the conclusion of a jury trial that lasted three weeks, the defendant was found "not guilty" of all charges.

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Will My Criminal Defense Case Be Assisted by Voluntarily Going to Treatment?

If you have been accused of a crime, in certain situations it might make sense to volunteer to get treatment. For example, if you have been accused of driving under the influence or a drug-related charge, you may opt to try to go to treatment and think that this will not only help your criminal case but could also allow you to recover more effectively. You may find that voluntarily going to rehabilitation or treatment could be beneficial after consulting with your New Jersey criminal defense attorney.

This behavior indicates to the judge that you are willing to initiate change in your life and that you recognize that there is a problem. Working towards these goals by taking the first step on your own without being forced to do so by the court, could reflect positively on you in your criminal case.

Many judges would prefer to put you through a comprehensive treatment program than to put you behind bars. They may find that it will be more productive for you to go through a program like this on your own without being forced by a court order. If a judge sentences someone to less than 6 months in prison, research shows that they may have a more dysfunctional life when the prison releases them.

Drug courts are one other alternative to consider and they frequently encourage treatment plants and have high recovery rates. You’ll certainly want to explore every option available to you if you are curious about whether or not going to treatment would help you as a person as well as in your criminal case. Consulting with a knowledgeable New Jersey criminal defense attorney should be your first line of defense when you are concerned about the possible implications of being accused of such a crime. You need to be sure that you have someone who is dedicated to exploring all options for you.

Knowing what’s ahead of you and what options you have is important- schedule a meeting with a NJ criminal defense attorney you can trust by calling the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty at 609-390-4600 or contact us via our online contact form to get started on your case today.


The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.

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