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Hamilton Township Criminal & DWI Lawyer

John Tumelty, Criminal Defense Lawyer & Former Prosecutor

Hamilton Township, Atlantic County, NJ is sometimes confused with the Hamilton Township in Mercer County.  Hamilton Township is a township in Atlantic County, NJ. As of the United States 2010 Census, Hamilton Township had a population of 26,500 people. At 113 square miles, Hamilton Township is the second largest municipality and township in the State of New Jersey. It is 1.8 square miles smaller than neighboring Galloway Township.

Criminal Lawyer, John Tumelty focuses on representing persons charged with criminal offenses and DWI tickets in Hamilton Township. Mr. Tumelty is a former state prosecutor and former assistant Atlantic County Prosecutor and has 30 years of experience doing criminal law in and around Hamilton Township.

Hamilton Township is patrolled by the Hamilton Township Police Department and New Jersey State Police. The New Jersey State Police have exclusive patrol over the Atlantic City Expressway which runs through Hamilton Township. Route 50 is another major roadway that runs through Hamilton Township. The Hamilton Township Police and NJ State Police make a lot of traffic stops on the expressway and Route 50. The police make a substantial amount of DWI arrests in Hamilton Township. The DWI cases are scheduled for court in Hamilton Township Municipal Court.

The Hamilton Township Municipal Court administrator is Margaret Fieni. The presiding judge is the Honorable Robert Switzer, J.M.C. The municipal court prosecutor is Michele Verno, Esquire. The municipal is located at 6101 13th Street, Mays Landing, NJ. The email address is:

In addition to DWI cases, Hamilton Township Municipal Court presides over misdemeanor criminal offenses that are referred to criminal disorderly persons offenses. These are simple assault, possession of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, shoplifting, resisting arrest, obstruction, criminal harassment, etc.

The Law Offices of John W. Tumelty are located in Atlantic County approximately 20 minutes from the Hamilton Township Municipal Court. Attorney John W. Tumelty regularly represents persons in Hamilton Township Municipal Court charged with DWI tickets and criminal offenses.

If you have been arrested in Hamilton Township, Atlantic County, NJ for a DWI offense or criminal charge, do not hesitate to contact the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty. Mr. Tumelty is available day and night for a free consultation. Call today at 609-309-4600. Mr. Tumelty will give you rock-solid legal advice on the best strategy for avoiding a loss of license in a DWI offense or a criminal record.

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