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Former prosecutor

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New Jersey Criminal Defense and DUI attorney
who knows how to navigate the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

Certified Criminal Trial Attorney

Experienced for over 30 years

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Hammonton Criminal Attorney

Criminal Defense Attorney & Former Prosecutor, John Tumelty

Hammonton is a town in Atlantic County, New Jersey. It is located directly between Philadelphia and the resort town of Atlantic City. The major roadways passing through Hammonton are the Atlantic City Expressway, U.S. Route 30, U.S. Route 206 and Route 54. These roadways are patrolled by the Hammonton Police Department and the New Jersey State Police. Hammonton criminal and DWI attorney, John W. Tumelty, represents persons arrested and charged with criminal offenses and DWI tickets in Hammonton. Attorney John W. Tumelty is a former state prosecutor with the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office and former assistant prosecutor with the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office. Mr. Tumelty is a New Jersey Supreme Court Certified Criminal Trial Attorney and has been practicing criminal law in Atlantic County for 30 years.

All felony charges issued out of Hammonton are sent to the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office for disposition. Hammonton Municipal Court hears less serious criminal offenses that are referred to as misdemeanor charges or disorderly persons offenses. These offenses include underage alcohol possession, possession of marijuana, simple assault, fake Ids, drug paraphernalia, disorderly conduct, shoplifting, resisting arrest, obstruction of justice, criminal harassment, criminal mischief, etc. However, a conviction for a minor criminal offense or DWI/ traffic offense may lead to a criminal record, possible jail, monetary fines, and other penalties.

Hammonton criminal defense attorney John W. Tumelty is available 24 hours a day to discuss any of these charges with you and the initial consultation is free. Mr. Tumelty will discuss the facts of your case as well as explaining the best legal strategy to avoid a criminal record or loss of driver’s license.  Call now 609-390-4600 to discuss your charges.

For more information about criminal defense, please see our criminal defense overview page.

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