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New Jersey Criminal Defense and DUI attorney
who knows how to navigate the local courts.

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Somers Point DWI Lawyer

All DWI tickets issued in Somers Point, New Jersey, are scheduled for court in Somers Point Municipal Court. The Somers Point Municipal Court has jurisdiction to hear DWI charges, all other traffic offenses, and misdemeanor criminal offenses that occur in Somers Point. The Somers Point Municipal Court judge is Henry G. Broome, Jr. The Somers Point Municipal Prosecutor is Michele C. Verno, Esquire. The court administrator is Margaret M. Wismer. The phone number for the court is 609-927-2951.

The Somers Point police are diligent in their DUI enforcement patrols. There are always several police cars patrolling the bar district located on Bay Avenue and Shore Road. This is especially true on weekend nights. The Somers Point police have one of the highest arrest rates in the entire state. A DWI offense is a traffic offense in NJ, not a criminal offense. However, the penalties for a DWI conviction are quite severe and require a mandatory loss of driver’s license. There are also fines and penalties, DMV surcharges, the possibility of county jail, ignition interlock requirement, alcohol education classes, and community service.

If you are charged with a Somers Point DUI offense, the stakes are high. You need an experienced and skilled DWI defense attorney. Attorney John W. Tumelty is a former state prosecutor with the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office and former assistant prosecutor with the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office. Mr. Tumelty has spent 30 years practicing criminal law and DWI law in Atlantic County, New Jersey. Mr. Tumelty is available 24/7 for a free consultation. Mr. Tumelty will be happy to discuss the facts of your case and the best possible legal strategy for avoiding a loss of license and conviction for DWI.  Call now at 609-390-4600.

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