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Avalon Underage Alcohol Offense Lawyer

John Tumelty, Criminal Lawyer and Former Prosecutor

Avalon, a borough in Cape May County, New Jersey, famous for being a South Jersey seashore resort, has the motto “Cooler by a Mile” since it juts out into the Atlantic Ocean about a mile farther than other barrier islands who neighbor Avalon. Avalon boasts some of the best nightlife in Cape May County with several popular bars and restaurants. Jack’s Place and The Princeton have always been the ultimate shore bars in Avalon and are very popular destinations among young people vacationing in the area.

There are several underage possession or consumption of alcohol charges issued each year by the Avalon Police Department. All it takes is being in the wrong place at the wrong time to receive a summons for underage possession of alcohol or possession of a fake ID. Every year many young adults visit Avalon, New Jersey and find themselves dealing with criminal charges in the Avalon Municipal court as a result of underage consumption and possession of alcohol. The charge carries a criminal record, potential jail time, fines and penalties and the possible loss of driver’s license.

Avalon Municipal Court is located at 3100 Dune Drive, Avalon, New Jersey. The presiding judge is the Honorable George B. Neidig, Jr. The court is in session every Monday at 9:00 a.m. during the months of July through October. The phone number is 609-967-4457.

Avalon Underage Alcohol Lawyer John W. Tumelty has been practicing criminal law as a former prosecutor and current defense attorney for 30 years. Mr. Tumelty is a New Jersey Supreme Court Certified Criminal Trial Attorney and appears regularly in Avalon Municipal Court defending underage alcohol offenses.

If you or your child has been arrested and charged with an underage alcohol offense in Avalon, New Jersey please do not hesitate to contact the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty. Avalon underage alcohol lawyer John W. Tumelty is available 24/7 to discuss the facts of your case. Mr. Tumelty will be happy to discuss the best legal strategy for avoiding a criminal record or loss of license in an Avalon underage drinking arrest. Call today at 609-390-4600.

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