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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

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Cape May City Criminal Lawyer

Criminal Defense Attorney & Former Prosecutor, John W. Tumelty

Cape May is a city at the southern tip of Cape May Peninsula in Cape May County, NJ, where the Delaware Bay meets the Atlantic Ocean. It is part of the Ocean City metropolitan statistical area. Cape May City has a population of 4,040 year-round residents. In the summer, Cape May’s population swells to over 40,000.

The Garden State Parkway is the primary route into Cape May. Cape May has a rich history, award-winning beaches, and a designation as a top Victorian community. Cape May is a seaside resort drawing visitors from around the world.

There are several well-known bars and liquor establishments in Cape May including the Ugly Mug Bar off of Washington Street and Carney’s Bar & Restaurant on Beach Road. With all of the summer activities and partying, the Cape May City Police Department invariably makes several arrests for criminal offenses and DWI offenses each year. Sometimes people on vacation get into trouble with the local police.

Cape May City Criminal & DWI Attorney, and former prosecutor John W. Tumelty represents persons arrested and charged with DWI and criminal offenses in Cape May City. Attorney John W. Tumelty is a former state prosecutor and former assistant Atlantic County Prosecutor. Mr. Tumelty has practiced criminal law in the Cape May County area for over 30 years.

Cape May City Municipal Court:

Cape May City Municipal Court hears DWI cases and all traffic tickets. Cape May City Municipal Court also hears less serious, “non-indictable” disorderly persons criminal charges. However, a conviction for a minor criminal offense, or DWI traffic offense, may lead to a criminal record, possible jail, long-term financial obligations, and monetary fines and penalties. There are certain offenses that are charged frequently in Cape May City. These offenses include underage possession of alcohol, fake IDs, simple assault, possession of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, disorderly conduct, shoplifting, resisting arrest, obstruction of justice, criminal harassment, criminal mischief, etc.

Cape May City Criminal Defense Attorney John W. Tumelty is available at 609-390-4600 – reachable 24 hours a day to discuss any of these charges with you and the initial consultation is free of charge. Mr. Tumelty will discuss the facts of your case and relevant charges. He will discuss the best legal strategy for avoiding a criminal record or losing your license in a DWI case. Call now at 609-390-4600.

For more information about criminal defense, please visit the criminal defense overview page.

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