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Glassboro Criminal Lawyer

Criminal Defense Attorney & Former Prosecutor

Glassboro, New Jersey Criminal/DWI Lawyer, John W. Tumelty represents persons charged with Criminal and DWI offenses issued in the Borough of Glassboro. Glassboro is a borough in Gloucester County, New Jersey and is located in the heart of South Jersey about a half hour from Philadelphia and an hour from Atlantic City. Glassboro is home to Rowan University founded in 1923. Historically, Glassboro was first established in 1779 as “Glass Works in the Woods” and was home to several glass producers including Anchor Hocking.

The Glassboro Municipal Court is located at 1 S. Main Street, Glassboro, New Jersey 08028. The Honorable William J. Golden presides over the Glassboro Municipal Court and the Court Administrator is Dawn DeFrancesco. Court sessions are every Thursday at 9:00 a.m.

Being home to Rowan University, a state college of close to 11,000 students, there are numerous DWI charges and misdemeanor criminal offenses issued each year by the Glassboro and Rowan Police Departments. There are simple assault and aggravated assault charges each year from incidents that take place in and near the local bars. The Glassboro and Rowan Police Departments also make a lot of arrests each year for underage possession of alcohol and possession of fake ID’s. The other types of cases handled in Glassboro Municipal Court are DWI’s, disorderly conduct charges, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Glassboro Criminal and DWI lawyer, John W. Tumelty has a proven track record of fighting and winning DWI and misdemeanor cases. View attorney John W. Tumelty’s attorney profile page with his recent successes. Mr. Tumelty is a former state prosecutor and former assistant county prosecutor and has over 28 years of criminal and DWI law experience. Mr. Tumelty is a New Jersey Supreme Court Certified Criminal Trial Attorney.

If you or a family member is charged with a criminal or DWI offense in Glassboro, New Jersey, please contact attorney John Tumelty for an immediate consultation at no charge 609-390-4600.

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