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Barnegat Township Criminal Lawyer

John W. Tumelty, Criminal Defense Attorney & Former Prosecutor

Barnegat Township Criminal Lawyer John W. Tumelty represents individuals charged with criminal offenses issued out of Barnegat Township. Barnegat Township is a township in Ocean County, New Jersey. Barnegat Township has a total area of 40.8 square miles of which 34.7 square miles is land and 6.2 square miles is water. The township is located within the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Barnegat Township has easy access to the Garden State Parkway and is a hub of major state and county highways such as Route 72, which runs east to west and provides access to Burlington County and Philadelphia. County Road 539 which intersects Route 72 and links the township to Trenton. US Route 9 also runs through Barnegat Township.

Barnegat Township Municipal Court has authority to hear most of the criminal charges filed in Barnegat Township. These are typically referred to as misdemeanor or disorderly person offenses and include the following: possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, fighting or simple assault, disorderly conduct, underage possession of alcohol, underage drinking, possession and use of fake identification to purchase alcohol, shoplifting, criminal trespass, criminal harassment, resisting arrest, obstruction of justice, hindering or fleeing the police, etc.

Felony charges filed in Barnegat Township are referred to as indictable offenses and are sent to the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office for disposition.

Barnegat Township criminal attorney John W. Tumelty is a Certified Criminal Trial Attorney and has been handling criminal cases for 30 years. Mr. Tumelty is a former state prosecutor with the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office and a former assistant county prosecutor.

Please contact the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty if you or a family member has been charged with a criminal offense in Barnegat Township. Mr. Tumelty is available 24/7 to discuss your criminal charges and the initial consultation is free.  Call now at 609-390-4600.

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