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Former prosecutor, now fighting for you.

New Jersey Criminal Defense and DUI attorney
who knows how to navigate the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

Certified Criminal Trial Attorney

Experienced for over 30 years

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Criminal Defense Attorney Defending Clients Throughout Atlantic County, Cape May County & Ocean County

Handling Criminal Cases Throughout Atlantic County and Cape May County

I am John W. Tumelty, an Atlantic City criminal defense attorney with 30 years of criminal law experience. Our firm represents people accused of criminal offenses in Cape May County, Atlantic County and throughout South Jersey. As a former prosecutor and successful criminal defense attorney, I have tremendous experience in handling all types of criminal cases including the following areas:

  • Drunk driving and traffic violations: A large part of my practice is devoted to defending clients accused of DWI and other traffic charges. I see many clients with different cases including alcohol treatment following a DUI arrest, blood and urine tests, blood alcohol content (BAC), boating DWI, commercial driver DWI, driving while suspended for DWI, drunk driving accident, DWI accidents involving injuries, DUI driver’s license suspensions, DWI for drugs, fatal DUI accidents, field sobriety tests, first-offense DWI’s, hit-and-run accidents involving DWI, military DWI, Miranda Rights, New Jersey DWI ignition interlock devices, out-of-state DUI convictions, prescription medication DWI, probable cause to stop and search a car, refusing a breath test, roadblocks & DWI charges, second DWI offense and three or more DUI offenses.
  • Drug charges: I defend clients accused of all types of New Jersey drug crimes including simple possession, drug distribution, possession with intent, drug manufacturing, illegal prescription medications, marijuana possession, drug paraphernalia, possession of drugs in a vehicle, prescription fraud, search and seizure of vehicles and searches without warrants.
  • Sex crimes: If you’ve been charged with a sex crime including sexual assault, child abuse, and molestation, child pornography, an internet sex crime, prostitution,  or another type of sex crime, you could be facing Megan’s Law registration and other serious consequences.
  • Assault and battery: I provide aggressive representation to clients accused of assault and battery including assault on police officers, assaults by auto or boat, self-defense, vehicular assault, fighting offenses and other types of assault cases.
  • Domestic violence: If you’ve been accused of spousal abuse, criminal harassment, criminal contempt, have a restraining order, or another domestic violence charge such as stalking, I can protect your rights.
  • White collar crimes: I am experienced at defending clients against white collar criminal charges such as business fraud, computer crimes, embezzlement, forgery, fake IDs and identity theft.
  • Theft and property crimes: I regularly represent clients who have been charged with burglary, home or car invasion, shoplifting, and possession or receiving stolen property.
  • Juvenile defense: If your teenager has been charged with a juvenile offense such as drug possession, a sexual offense, shoplifting, possession of a fake ID to purchase alcohol, underage drinking, or underage possession or consumption, call me today to discuss your options.
  • Murder and homicide: I have the criminal trial experience to defend clients who have been charged with murder and other degrees of homicide in New Jersey.
  • Weapons offenses: Illegal possession of a firearm is a serious criminal charge. So is an armed robbery or carrying a handgun without a permit. If you’ve been arrested, I can help you fight the charges.
  • Eluding police and resisting arrest: The police frequently use these charges against people whom they accuse of not complying with arrest procedures. Call me today to discuss a disorderly conduct charge or other types of criminal charges.
  • Probation violations: If you’ve been accused of violating the terms of your probation or have received new criminal charges while on probation, it could be revoked, landing you in state prison. I can help.
  • Casino crimes including cheating scams, theft, underage gambling, disorderly conduct on casino property, fights/assaults, and criminal trespass.

I guide clients throughout the criminal justice process and am available to discuss your concerns about bail hearings, criminal record expungement, and pretrial intervention programs.

I am a New Jersey Supreme Court certified criminal trial attorney, and my experience and skill in the courtroom have helped me win “not guilty” verdicts for many of my clients charged with all types of criminal offenses. If you need a criminal defense attorney, don’t hesitate to contact me for a free consultation. I am available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 609-390-4600.

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