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Megan’s Law Not Applicable to All Sex Offenders

Despite being convicted of two offenses involving the possession of child pornography and a third involving the endangerment of children, 26-year-old Gary Cramer does not appear on any sex offender registry despite the existence of Megan’s Law.

In May 2004, Cramer was charged with second and fourth degree child endangerment for the possession and sale of child pornography. He pled guilty to those offenses and served 18 months in jail.

In April 2009, Cramer was charged with third degree child endangerment for purchasing alcohol for minors. He pled guilty and was sentenced to three years of probation with a $170 fine.

In October 2009, Cramer was again charged with fourth degree child endangerment for possessing photos of a minor engaging in sex acts. Again, he pled guilty, and was sentenced to five years of probation with a $155 fine.

Despite the nature of the offenses, none of these crimes fall within the reach of Megan’s Law. Megan’s Law, which originated in New Jersey, requires sex offenders to immediately register with local law enforcement after release from custody or upon moving into the state. Sex offender status may strictly limit where a person lives, works and goes to school.

Most recently, Cramer has been accused of convincing two women in their early twenties to create and send sexually explicit photographs of young children to his cell phone. All three are charged with first degree aggravated sexual assault, second degree child endangerment, second degree distribution of child pornography, fourth degree possession of child pornography and second degree conspiracy.

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