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Underage Gambling Lawyer in Atlantic City

In the state of New Jersey, it is illegal for any individual under the age of 21 to gamble in casinos and in private locations around the state. Underage gambling is treated very seriously by law enforcement officials and prosecutors, and the penalties, even for first-time offenders, can be significant. Even an underage person who is on the casino floor can be charged with a crime that could end up as a permanent mark on a criminal record. I am criminal defense attorney John W. Tumelty, and I practice criminal defense law in Atlantic City, Cape May County and across the state of New Jersey. For more than 35 years, I have prosecuted and defended individuals on a wide range of criminal charges, including underage gambling and other juvenile crimes.

If you are being charged with underage gambling, or your child is facing such a serious charge, you need to speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer.

Many young people will travel to Atlantic City with their families, unaware that it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to gamble in an Atlantic City casino or any private location around the state, and upon entering the casino for an evening of fun find themselves being charged with a criminal offense of underage gambling.


Underage gambling is treated very seriously by law enforcement officials and prosecutors, and the penalties, even for first-time offenders, can be significant – having serious and lasting consequences. Even an underage person who is on the casino floor can be charged with a crime that could end up as a permanent mark on a criminal record.

The Casino Control Act (N.J.S.A. 5:12-119) prohibits anyone under the age of 21 from gambling in an Atlantic City casino or any simulcast facility. If an individual is convicted of underage gambling the penalty is a disorderly persons offense which is a criminal charge that becomes part of your criminal record. A conviction for underage gambling will also result in a fine of between $500 and $1,000 and the individual’s driver’s license will be suspended for six months. If the individual is under 17 and has not yet obtained a driver’s license, the issuance of that person’s driver’s license will be postponed for six months.

In fact, if a parent or a person who has custody or control of a person under the age of 21 allows an underage individual to gamble, that person can be charged with a disorderly persons offense. N.J.S.A. 5:12-119(c).

The real issue with these underage gambling charges is there are no plea bargains offered by the State. Thus, the State requires the defendant to either plead guilty to the charge or stand trial. You should contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer to represent you if you find yourself in this position. There is no reason to plead guilty to the offense. I can take the case to trial and make the State prove the charges against you beyond a reasonable doubt. Many times the State’s witnesses fail to appear and the case can be dismissed against you. Regardless, it is imperative that you defend yourself at trial and attempt to avoid a permanent criminal charge on your record. This can have serious repercussions in terms of employment and educational opportunities.

Need Legal Help? John W. Tumelty Will Fight For Your Rights

If you or a loved one has been charged underage gambling or casino crime, speak with a skilled, experienced criminal lawyer who is passionate about protecting the rights of his clients. John W. Tumelty has 35 years of experience in criminal law and knows exactly how to best position his clients.

He will meet with you, for free, to discuss your specific case and put his experience to work for you. Contact him today to learn more about your option for avoiding jail time or for getting your charges reduced. Tumelty represents clients from all over Atlantic and Cape May counties and beyond.

Click Here To Contact Experienced Attorney John Tumelty And Discuss Your Charges
This article and other articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.

Underage Gambling Attorney

The penalty for underage gambling in New Jersey may include a significant fine – up to $1,000 – as well as driver’s license suspension, probation, community service and jail time in some cases. A criminal conviction of underage gambling will end up on the individual’s criminal record, meaning that this kind of charge should be treated seriously.

I have the experience and skill to fully address these charges and to build a defense that will protect your rights and the rights of your loved ones.

Learn About Underage Gambling Offenses in New Jersey

If you or a loved one has been arrested for underage gambling in New Jersey, call me today to discuss what I can do to defend you against criminal charges. Schedule a free initial consultation by calling me at 609-390-4600.

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