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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

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Charged with Drug Manufacturing? Call John Tumelty – Atlantic & Cape May County Criminal Defense Lawyer

Have You Been Charged with Drug Manufacturing in Atlantic City?

Have you been accused of growing marijuana, manufacturing methamphetamine or producing any other illegal drug? If so, you could be facing some very harsh penalties, and your choice of a criminal drug defense lawyer could prove critical to the outcome of your case.

I am John W. Tumelty, an experienced Atlantic City and Cape May County drug manufacturing lawyer representing clients throughout South Jersey. If you’ve been charged with manufacturing drugs, contact my office today for a free consultation to discuss your options.

Defending You Against Felony Criminal Accusations

All types of illegal drug production — including marijuana cultivation — are considered drug manufacturing. If you are convicted of operating a drug manufacturing facility, the penalties you face will be partially based on the amount of drugs involved.

If the prosecutors can prove that you were growing more than 10 marijuana plants, you can be convicted of a first-degree felony and sentenced to substantial jail time.

If you hire me to defend you against drug manufacturing charges, I will immediately begin investigating all possible options for getting your charges dismissed. If your home or business was searched illegally, I will look into whether it is possible to get the evidence thrown out.

I am an experienced criminal defense attorney and a New Jersey Supreme Court certified criminal trial attorney. I will take immediate action to investigate the facts of your case and build a successful defense. Time may be of the essence when it comes to investigating your case, so don’t hesitate to call me today at 609-390-4600.

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