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Marijuana Possession Defense Lawyer – Atlantic & Cape May County Criminal Attorney

Unsure What to do Next With a Marijuana Possession Charge?

If you have been charged with marijuana possession, you may not be sure what to do next to protect your rights. If your child has been arrested, you are probably concerned about his or her future. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you get answers right away.

I am John W. Tumelty, an Atlantic County, Atlantic City and Cape May County marijuana possession defense lawyer with more than 30 years of criminal law experience. I aggressively and successfully defend clients throughout South Jersey against drug charges. For a free consultation about your case, contact my office today.

Building a Defense Based on the Unique Facts of Your Case

Simple possession of marijuana is one of the most common criminal charges in New Jersey. I frequently represent both local residents and visitors to the Jersey Shore who have been arrested for marijuana possession in circumstances such as the following:

  • A police officer pulled you over for speeding or another traffic offense and then searched your car after seeing apparent drug paraphernalia or claiming to smell marijuana.
  • The police responded to a noise complaint about a party you were attending, believed they detected signs of drug use and conducted a search.
  • Your home or business was searched as part of an investigation of another crime, and the police claim to have found marijuana or paraphernalia in the building.

In all of these types of circumstances, the police cannot conduct a warrantless search without probable cause. If the evidence against you was obtained illegally, it may be possible to get it thrown out, which may result in your charges being dismissed.

If you hire me to represent you, I will fully investigate the facts of your case to determine whether I can get the charges dismissed or whether you have any valid defenses. If you’ve been charged with marijuana possession, don’t hesitate to call me at 609-390-4600 to discuss your options.

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