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Atlantic City Drug Possession Attorney Defending Clients in Atlantic, Ocean & Cape May County

Atlantic and Cape May County Simple Possession Charges Lawyer

If you have been charged with drug possession, you could be facing probation, a suspended driver’s license, a lifetime criminal record and possibly even a jail sentence. An experienced criminal defense lawyer may be able to help you avoid or reduce these serious drug consequences.

I am John W. Tumelty, an Atlantic City drug possession attorney representing clients in Atlantic County, Cape May County and throughout South Jersey. I have 30 years of experience in criminal law, and I am a New Jersey Supreme Court certified criminal trial attorney. Contact me today for a free consultation at 609-390-4600.

Defending Against Charges Involving Illegal and Prescription Drugs

You can be convicted of possession of a controlled substance if drugs were found on your person or if prosecutors can prove you had possession of drugs that were found in your home, your car or elsewhere. Controlled substances are categorized into two general groups:

  • Illegal drugs (marijuana, cocaine, crack, heroin, Ecstasy, Rohypnol, etc.): It is illegal to possess any of these drugs without a license from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
  • Prescription drugs (OxyContin, Percocet, Xanax, etc.): It is only legal to possess these drugs with a valid prescription. Obtaining them by fraud may carry additional penalties.

If you are convicted of drug possession, your penalties will depend on the amount of the drug involved and the schedule it has been assigned by the DEA. If you have been found with a large amount of drugs, you may find yourself charged with possession with intent to distribute.

Aggressively Seeking Out All Possible Criminal Defense Options

If you hire me to represent you on your unlawful possession of drugs case, I will take immediate action to investigate the facts and build a successful defense against the charges. I will carefully review the lawfulness of the police officers’ search and seizure of the evidence and look for a legal basis to get the evidence suppressed.

If you do not have a prior record, entering into a pretrial intervention program may also help you avoid a criminal conviction. I am experienced at helping clients identify and pursue all of their options. Call me today at 609-390-4600  to discuss your drug possession charges.

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