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Former prosecutor

Now fighting for you.

New Jersey Criminal Defense and DUI attorney
who knows how to navigate the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

Certified Criminal Trial Attorney

Experienced for over 30 years

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Pre-trial Intervention (PTI)

If you have been charged with a criminal offense in New Jersey you may qualify for the first offender program known as Pre-Trial Intervention. You will need an aggressive experienced criminal defense attorney. I am Attorney John W. Tumelty and I have practiced criminal law for 30 years. I am a New Jersey Supreme Court Certified Criminal Trial Attorney. I am a former N.J. Deputy Attorney General (state prosecutor) and former Atlantic County Assistant Prosecutor. I have been helping people to get into the Pre-Trial Intervention program for many years in South Jersey.

Let a Former Prosecutor Help You

Pre-Trial Intervention is a diversionary program for first offenders. It allows you to get your criminal charges dismissed through the Pre-Trial Intervention program. This will allow you to avoid having a criminal record. There are local procedures involved in applying for and gaining enrollment into the PTI program. I know how to evaluate your case and assist you in getting the charges dismissed through the Pre-Trial Intervention program.

Contact Me For a Free Consultation Today!

My offices are located in Atlantic County and Cape May County. I am available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Contact my office today for a free initial consultation at 609-390-4600.

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