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Former prosecutor

Now fighting for you.

New Jersey Criminal Defense and DUI attorney
who knows how to navigate the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

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Gun Charges Lawyer in Atlantic City

Have you been charged with possession of a weapon in New Jersey? If so, you need a tough and experienced local criminal defense attorney. I am Attorney John W. Tumelty and I have practiced criminal law for 35 years. I am a New Jersey Supreme Court Certified Criminal Trial Attorney. I am a former N.J. Deputy Attorney General (state prosecutor) and former Atlantic County Assistant Prosecutor. I represent people throughout South Jersey who face a variety of weapons charges, such as:

Let a Former Prosecutor Help You Contact the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty

I handle all types of weapons offenses including unlawful possession of guns and all types of guns, knives, blackjacks and all other types of weapons. I am a former state prosecutor and former Atlantic County Assistant Prosecutor.  I know how a prosecutor builds a weapons offense case and I know how to take the case apart from a defense attorney’s perspective.  I have the required experience to do a forensic evaluation of your facts and lay out a game plan for a winning defense.  I will meet with you face-to-face in my office to discuss all aspects of your case.  I will explain the legal process in clear and understandable terms.  I will personally be at your side throughout the entire legal process.


Most guns and weapons are found as a result of a police search of a car, house, or personal belongings.  The key is whether the police officer had a legal right to conduct a search of your property.  The general law says that the police must have probable cause and a warrant in order to search your property.  There are, however, some exceptions to the warrant requirement.  If the police conducted a search without a warrant, they may have violated your constitutional rights resulting in an illegal search.  This may result in the weapon being suppressed and all charges dismissed.

You may be eligible for New Jersey’s first-offender program which is called Pre-Trial Intervention. This may be a good option to avoid a criminal record. Pre-Trial Intervention is a diversionary program for first-offenders in New Jersey. It requires you to be under court supervision for a short period of time and remain law abiding. The charges will be dismissed at the end of the court supervision period.


I am available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Contact my office today for a free initial consultation at 609-390-4600.

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