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who knows how to navigate the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

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Blood and Urine Tests for Alcohol and Drugs

Fighting to Challenge the DUI Charges Against You

Drunk driving accidents involving serious injuries and DWI for drug arrests are typically the only cases in which blood and urine samples are taken. In addition, if you or a loved one fought with a police officer, assaulted a police officer during a DWI arrest or refused to take the Alcotest (breath test), the prosecution may desire to prove intoxication with the results of a blood or urine test.

While the results of such tests seem to be very damaging evidence at first, an experienced DWI defense lawyer can still provide you with options in defending your case against such evidence. If you have been charged with DWI, breath test refusal or DWI for drugs, and a blood or urine test is the main evidence in the case against you, consult with me immediately.

I am John W. Tumelty. I am an experienced Atlantic City DWI attorney, and I can fight to challenge the charges against you. As a former state prosecutor with the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office and former assistant county prosecutor with the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office, I can work strategically and cost-effectively against the aggressive tactics of prosecuting attorneys.

I have in-depth knowledge of all aspects of a DWI case. My representation can help you minimize or avoid the consequences you face.

Blood and Urinalysis Tests Are Not Conclusive

These supposedly rock-solid tests do not always stand up to heavy scrutiny. An attorney like me, with familiarity and working knowledge of testing procedures and reliability, can advocate aggressively to have the test results thrown out as evidence.

  • The presence of a narcotic, marijuana or another illicit drug in your blood or urine is not necessarily proof that the drug was affecting or impairing your ability to drive a motor vehicle at the time of arrest.
  • The presence of only trace amounts of alcohol or other drugs in your system can help to reduce the consequences of the charges against you or get the charges dismissed.
  • The blood or urine may not have been properly refrigerated and secured prior to transport to the state lab.
  • The chain of possession may not have been properly preserved.
  • Laboratory errors and clerical mistakes can also reveal improper or flawed procedures.

Combined with the proper knowledge of these tests, the right legal strategy can, at a minimum, reduce the penalties you face. I thoroughly analyze test results, lab records, the arresting circumstances and the administration of blood and urine tests. Your results could have been impacted by a number of variables.

Contact an Assertive South Jersey DUI Attorney Today

Call me today at 609-390-4600 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your case. Telephones are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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