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Former prosecutor

Now fighting for you.

New Jersey Criminal Defense and DUI attorney
who knows how to navigate the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

Certified Criminal Trial Attorney

Experienced for over 30 years

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Military DWI Defense Attorney

What to Do When Arrested On-Base or Off-Base

If you have been charged with military DWI, the professional representation of an experienced New Jersey DWI defense lawyer could be your saving grace. You could seek representation from a military officer/judge advocate in the JAG Corps or you could consult with a civilian defense attorney who focuses his entire practice on the defense of DWI cases.

In the military court system, whether you are arrested for drunk driving on-base or off-base, you will be facing a court-martial and serious penalties beyond those of a civilian DWI. You will be charged under federal drunk driving laws.

DUI Effects When You Are in the Military

  • Dishonorable discharge
  • Demotion
  • Time in the brig
  • Reduction/forfeiture of pay
  • Fines

If you were arrested for DWI in New Jersey, contact me immediately. I am John W. Tumelty, an experienced and aggressive military DWI defense attorney in Atlantic City.

Experience in DWI Defense Tactics Matters

As a former state prosecutor with the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office and former assistant county prosecutor with the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office, I can prepare an effective and efficient defense based on a number of factors that only a civilian DWI defense attorney is extensively knowledgeable of.

Whether you are in the Coast Guard, the National Guard, the Air Force, the Army, the Navy or working as a defense contractor, you can benefit from several advantages of hiring a civilian attorney.

The importance of highly qualified representation lies in the fact that the penalties listed above adhere to no standard sentencing guidelines as DWI penalties do in civilian courts. A first conviction could include all or any of the punishments listed above.

I can apply creative and effective defense tactics to your case. I know how important your defense is to your career and your livelihood. Call me today to discuss your options and how I can aggressively challenge several aspects of the case against you.

Contact My South Jersey Office

Call me today at 609-390-4600 to discuss your case or to schedule a free initial consultation.

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